"INNOCENT SMILES" was a painting by Bong Perez in Jan.16, 2015. Bong Perez was born on April 15, 1970, in Davao City, Philippines. Before he went to Japan for a study grant in 1998, he worked for seven years as an art instructor at Philippine Science High school, He is currently teaching at the Collage of Social Science and humanities, University of the Philippines Mindanao, His media are oil and acrylic with the subjects of landscapes, ethnic culture, and people in the urban areas. "What is important for me is a real understanding of the fundamental conditions pertaining to my country; and then my relation to these conditions. I believe that what is necessary for art is first an appreciation of the great ideas applicable to my country and then the achievement of a masterly freedom in expressing them" he said.
Innocent smiles depicts on how the children survives despite the fact thinking whether he/she can still live until tomorrow, It manifest a great creativity showing that the children can still strive even if waves are waiting ahead. This mostly encourages people in the slum areas that whatever goes wrong it will always be wrong unless you make a difference to it.
I see kids being all happy that their lives were full of joy and fun. But it comes to the kids today, they are experiencing negative thins and that artwork is showing a reminder the lives children are needed to be taken care of and such. Along with sharing their smiling for their innocence. Being born poor doesn't mean that you also die poor. It's not end; they still can change their lives and achieve their dreams. I believe that all children in this world can have the happiness and freedom someday in their lives someday. The struggles they faced will not stay forever, someday that struggle will vanish and soon become more fearless in the future.
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